niQin shared an aphorism: “人要学会走路,也要学会摔跤,而且只有经过摔跤,才能学会走路。” 对于一个人来说,这正是磨练。给生活添点料,经过千锤百炼的人生,更加耐人寻味。 -- 佚名
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Algorithm & Library 饿了么和美团客服消息聚合 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 13:32:43+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 191

Project keys/tags: Not setting

1、对接饿了么零售和饿了么外卖、美团闪购和美团外卖平台客服消息。 2、能够实时接收到在线消息,并能在线回复。 3、能够自定义回复信息在线消息。 4、BS架构,用JAVA语言。 5、饿了么有开放平台的接口,美团没有正规的接口。

Algorithm & Library 开发素材类管理系统 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 12:50:25+08:00

Investment: 50000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 813

Project keys/tags: Not setting

**序号** **主功能** **子功能** **描述** 1 登录 用户登录 支持用户通过已配置的账号密码进行鉴权登录,登录流程支持图片验证码认证 2 首页 首页 提供平台内素材的分类统计情况,如影像、新闻等不同类素材占比;各部门上传素材数;标签情况统计等 3 素材上传 影像上传 支持avi、mp4等常见影像数据的上传 4 文件上传 支持jpg、png、pdf、doc等常见文件数据的上传,支持富文本类型的文章上传 5 上传限制 平台可以设置上传文件的大小限制,以确保服务器的稳定性和安全性。 6 资料信息维护 支持对上传数据及说明信息的增删改 7 标签标记 用户可以为上传的素材添加标签,实现素材的分类和归档,方便后续搜索和查找。 8 标签推荐 平台可以根据用户的标签使用习惯和素材内容,基于NLP智能推荐相关标签,f提高标签应用的准确性和效率。 9 资料搜索与预览 搜索引擎 支持多种维度的数据搜索,如根据标签、标题、内容关键字等 10 人物关联搜索 支持根据人脸识别算法进行照片/视频分析,自动搜索到存在该人物的所有影像素材 11 关键字关联搜索 支持根据NLP算法,自动搜索到与该关键字存在关联关系的文档素材 12 素材列表 平台以列表形式展示所有素材,包括素材名称、缩略图、标签等信息 13 素材详情 用户可以点击素材列表中的某个素材,查看其详细信息和预览内容 14 素材下载 有权限的用户可以将需要的素材下载到本地 15 人工审核 资料审核 有权限的账号可以对上传的资料进行审核,对于不符合要求的材料,可以进行删除操作 16 标签审核 有权限的账号可以对自动识别的标签进行人工复核,支持批量通过复核 17 标签管理 标签管理 支持后台进行多类标签维护,如大事标签、部门标签、人物标签等,支持标签的增删改 18 算法引擎 算法引擎 支持人脸识别、NLP等各类算法的训练和应用 19 平台管理 部室管理 支持中心内各部室的信息维护,管理员可以对部室信息进行增删改 20 权限管理 23

Algorithm & Library sql漏洞扫描器 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 12:35:54+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 730

Project keys/tags: python

1\. URL解析模块:负责解析输入的URL地址,提取出主机名、路径和参数等信息。 2\. 数据库类型识别模块:通过发送特定的SQL语句,识别目标数据库的类型(如MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等)。 3\. SQL注入漏洞检测模块:针对不同类型的SQL注入漏洞(基于布尔的盲注、基于时间的盲注、基于错误的注入、基于UNION查询的注入、堆叠查询等),构造相应的Payload,发送给目标网站,检测是否存在注入点。 4\. 枚举功能模块:在确认存在注入点后,利用SQL注入漏洞,进行用户、密码哈希、权限、角色、数据库、表和列等信息的枚举。 5\. 多线程模块:使用多线程技术,提高程序的扫描效率,可以同时对多个URL进行扫描。 6\. GUI界面模块:使用Tkinter等工具,设计简洁易用的图形用户界面,方便用户输入URL地址和设置参数,并展示扫描结果。 7\. 报告保存模块:将扫描结果保存为报告文件,包括发现的漏洞、枚举到的信息等。 针对每个模块,你需要考虑其模块化和可扩展性,确保代码结构清晰,各个模块之间相互独立、可复用。

Algorithm & Library echars背景图放大不失真 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 12:23:31+08:00

Investment: 4000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 738

Project keys/tags: Not setting

echars背景图放大不失真 目前使用了color的纹理填充实现背景图,放大后会出现杂点 image: imageDom, // 支持为 HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement,不支持路径字符串 repeat: 'repeat' // 是否平铺,可以是 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'no-repeat' 图片尺寸大约有2Wpx长宽,初始尺寸是1280px

WeChat 减肥微信小程序前端开发(招女性开发者) 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 12:18:49+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 703

Project keys/tags: Not setting

1\. 减肥相关的微信小程序前端开发(服务端已有),以项目形式合作和结算。 2\. 产品功能涵盖:会员、社区、打卡等 3\. 技术诉求: \- 熟悉websocket、微信支付、消息订阅 \- 按时交付(延期扣除项目合作费用)。 \- 线上bug快速修复(2小时内)。 \- 前端代码模块化(尽可能的复用,好维护) 4.要求“女性开发者”

Web java、python工程师-交易系统开发 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 12:11:28+08:00

Investment: 200000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 882

Project keys/tags: python java swift c++ go

* **项目背景** 第三方交易平台已有完善的功能,我们需要基于平台提供的API进行自动化操作。比如平台的跟单功能,我们需要筛选出7天内盈利翻倍的牛人,然后进行自动跟单,或者模仿他的交易行为进行交易,以此达到盈利的目的。 * **人员要求** \- 线上开发,不受地域限制,但要认真负责,能及时跟进问题; \- 至少有2年以上的java、python等后端语言的实际开发经验; \- 基于第三方平台(https://accounts.suitechsui.io/register?ref=90662346)进行开发; \- 负责项目的设计、开发和维护; \- 参与制定后端架构、数据库设计,保证系统稳定性和性能; \- 与前端工程师、产品经理紧密合作,推动产品的持续优化和迭代。 * **报酬** 综合工时、交付结果计算报酬,基本按100~150/小时计算。

Algorithm & Library 瓦特森-瓦特测向模拟器研制 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 08:02:47+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 793

Project keys/tags: c++ c# c

结合瓦特森-瓦特测向原理,设计一种模拟器。根据瓦特森- 瓦特交叉环天线的短波测向算法,首先需要三个信道,其中两个信道模拟交叉环天线1、2,另一路信道模拟全向天线。信道1和信道2都有幅度衰减3 dB和幅度不衰减两种情况,且相位不延迟和相位延迟180°两种情况。 同时,本设计需要相位和幅度的选择,因此运用51单片机做主控制,用单片机的IO口控制数字电子开关,从而选择合适的幅度和相位。 时间价格需求都可以详谈

Design 基于threejs的设备接线图设计和场景空间设计 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 08:00:12+08:00

Investment: 50000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 820

Project keys/tags: javascript 其他语言

软件用于教育行业,主要通过threejs实现以下功能: 1、2D设备接线图 设备接线图是以图片为背景,配置有工具栏和背包栏,实现在2D视图下,进行画线、标注和放置图标的功能; 2、3D施工功能 3D施工功能是在给定的场景模型下,配置有背包、设备和工具等选项卡,在3D场景中完成设备安装、接线和调试

Algorithm & Library 基于单片机的WiFi扩展器(实物程序原理图) 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:55:41+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 1458

Project keys/tags: c++ c# c

选择适用于WiFi扩展器的单片机或处理器,选择合适的WiFi模块,具备良好的信号接收和传输性能。能够接收来自原始WiFi网络的信号并转发到新的WiFi网络。需要信号放大器来增加WiFi信号覆盖范围需要OLED显示屏显示信号强弱和手机连接状态和手机app互联,检测附近WiFi信号强度并可以在显示屏上显示。根据信号强度调整单片机的工作状态,以实现WiFi信号的放大和优化。可移动充电式电源供电设计简洁的用户接口,如LED灯、按键、显示屏。配置WiFi扩展器作为Access Point(AP)或Station,创建一个新的WiFi网络或连接到现有网络。设置WiFi网络的参数。使用WPA2或WPA3加密保护WiFi网络。 时间价格需求都可以在商量 不是最终的时间和价格

Algorithm & Library 需要做一个官网嵌入直播播放器 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:53:16+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 1491

Project keys/tags: Not setting


Algorithm & Library Implement Finetune Distilbard On-Device Profiling (urgent) developer needed not writer -- 2 freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:25:31+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 23

Project keys/tags: machine-learning tensorflow deep-neural-network large-language-models bard-ai

Actually it the model that i want to integrate into a social app build with flutter frontent and secure matrix decentralized communication protocol Now there are 3 main work for the models. One to make a user profile on device. Which is not connected to any central server so the user information remains on device. Another is event generation also sameSo when there is a event generated, the user broadcarst the message to matrix bot and it forwards to all the devices, the event then goes to all the device again when the event comes to device, the moldel matches the event with the progile of user on device and if there is a match it notifys the user. With this approach no information leaves the user device

Algorithm & Library Raspberry Pi Wifi Troubleshooting freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:24:58+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 29

Project keys/tags: c-programming linux raspberry-pi ubuntu system-admin network-administration

I'm currently facing an issue with my Raspberry Pi, as it is no longer able to connect to Wi-Fi, despite having done so without problems previously. Key Points: \- The core problem is the inability to connect to Wi-Fi, which was previously working fine. \- I have already attempted standard troubleshooting steps such as restarting the Raspberry Pi, checking Wi-Fi settings, and updating the software. \- The problem persists despite these efforts. Given my situation, I'm looking for a professional who can help me in diagnosing and resolving this issue. This requires a deep understanding of Raspberry Pi systems, networking, and Wi-Fi troubleshooting. Your ability to efficiently diagnose the problem and offer a reliable solution will be highly valued.

HTML5 Rust & JavaScript Developer for Online Casino Game freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:23:27+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 30

Project keys/tags: javascript nodejs website-design html5 rust

I am in need of an experienced developer who is proficient in Rust and JavaScript to help me build an online casino game with a focus on roulette. Key requirements: \- Proficiency in Rust and JavaScript: The selected candidate should have a deep understanding and hands-on experience with both programming languages. \- Online Casino Game Experience: Experience developing online casino games, especially roulette, is a big plus. The ideal candidate will have: \- A solid understanding of the Solana and Cosmos ecosystems \- Prior experience with integrating Phantom wallets \- A strong portfolio showcasing similar projects The project will include: \- Designing a user- friendly and secure online casino game \- Implementing the roulette functionality \- Integrating the Phantom wallet for cryptocurre...

Algorithm & Library Solana Auto-Trading Bot freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:23:27+08:00

Investment: 3000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 27

Project keys/tags: javascript python nodejs typescript rust cryptocurrency solana trading

I'm urgently seeking someone to develop an auto-trading bot specifically for the Solana blockchain. This bot should be designed to trade the SOL currency. Key Requirements: \- The bot should be fully automated, executing trades without manual intervention. \- It should be tailored specifically for Solana with a strong understanding of its ecosystem. \- The trading strategies to be implemented can be determined based on your expertise, as the question regarding specific strategies was skipped in the project setup. Ideal Skills and Experience: \- Proficiency in developing auto-trading bots, with a strong preference for experience in the blockchain or crypto space. \- Knowledge of Solana's unique features and trading environment. \- A solid understanding of various trading str...

Algorithm & Library Classic UI/UX & Full Stack Development freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:22:56+08:00

Investment: 3002 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 35

Project keys/tags: react-native mongodb django figma

I'm on the hunt for an experienced and dedicated UI/UX designer or frontend developer who holds proficiency in UI design and React development. As someone who appreciates a classic and elegant design aesthetic, I'm expecting work that embodies sophistication and cleans lines. In addition, you should have expertise in Figma and React Native, as I value these tools for their versatility and user-friendliness. A skilled backend developer fluent in Node.js and Python technologies is also sought after to round out my project requirements. I am planning to create an e-commerce website, therefore related experience in designing and developing this genre of sites will be beneficial. To summarise, the ideal freelancer for this project should possess the following skills: \- Strong UI/UX...

Algorithm & Library Full-time Ruby Software Engineers for Feature Additions freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:22:25+08:00

Investment: 900 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 19

Project keys/tags: javascript php software-architecture ruby ruby-on-rails local-job

I'm looking for a full-time Ruby Software Engineer in Silesia, Poland to work on adding new features to our existing application. Ideal Skills: \- Ruby on Rails Expertise: I need someone well-versed in Ruby on Rails to implement the new functionalities efficiently. \- Object-Oriented Programming Skills: The engineer should be proficient in OOP to ensure the new features integrate seamlessly with the existing codebase. Scope of the Project: This project involves adding new features to our existing software application. It's a project with an already existing Team, so you'll be joining other Software Engineers, and this is an excellent opportunity to expand the capabilities of our current system. Specific Features to Add: \- User Authentication and Authorization: W...

Algorithm & Library Golang Developer Needed for API Integration freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:21:55+08:00

Investment: 800 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 18

Project keys/tags: golang postgresql combinatorial-problem-solving

I'm in need of a skilled Golang Developer to help me with a crucial feature for my product. I need to create APIs that can connect to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The project involves the following tasks: \- Design and implementation of APIs for connecting to social media platforms \- Ensuring secure and efficient data transmission and storage \- Implementing proper error handling and debugging mechanisms \- Ensuring compatibility with the existing product architecture \- From Platforms need to fetch metrics , Comments, Videos, Posts, Twits. Need apis for sending/replying to comments and messages in each platform. Ideal candidates for this project should have: \- Proficiency in Golang programming \- Prior experience in API development and integration \- Familiarity with connec...

Algorithm & Library Comparative Analysis: Multilevel VAR and R-packages freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:20:59+08:00

Investment: 800 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 29

Project keys/tags: r-programming-language statistics statistical-analysis data-science

I'm seeking an expert to help me understand and practically apply the differences between multilevel VAR modeling for a dynamic network approach and R-packages. In particular, I would like this professional to assist in comparing and contrasting these two areas as they pertain to real-world datasets. The project's primary objective is to apply the multilevel VAR modeling techniques to a specific dataset. This will require a comprehensive review of the theoretical underpinnings of the approach. The goal is to provide a comparative breakdown of the methodology and implementation of multilevel VAR modeling versus R-packages for a dynamic network approach. The ideal candidate for this project would have: \- Proficiency in multilevel VAR modeling and R-packages \- Theoretical and prac...

Algorithm & Library PulseChain Sniper Bot Development freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:20:12+08:00

Investment: 1500 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 22

Project keys/tags: javascript php software-architecture cplusplus-programming c-programming

I'm in need of an expert who can help me build a sniper bot for PulseChain blockchain. This bot should be able to execute automatic buy/sell orders and track token creation. Would prefer a telegram bot or easy to use UI that is user friendly. The necessary skills for the task involve: \- Prolific knowledge in bot development and PulseChain blockchain operations \- Ability to create functionalities for automatic buy and sell orders \- Proficiency in tracking token creation I require a specialist experienced with similar cryptocurrency blockchains like Ethereum. Only apply if you have such skills and can prove it. This project's success will greatly depend on the functionality and efficiency of the bot.

Tools Software LinguaGen AI: Realistic Language Generation Tool freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-24 07:19:39+08:00

Investment: 900 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 19

Project keys/tags: html website-design ai-hw-sw artificial-intelligence linguistics

I need an AI language generation model that can create a completely new language based on user prompts. \- The language must be highly realistic and usable. \- The prompts can range from textual descriptions to linguistic parameters and even cultural or historical contexts. \- The AI should be able to deliver the generated language in both written and spoken forms. (For written, the language should be per the prompt. Either Latinbased or an entirely new script or derived from existing scripts) The ideal freelancer for this job should have advanced knowledge in AI, Natural Language Processing, linguistics, and machine learning. Experience in creating language models or AI generators is a huge plus. The ability to deliver a highly realistic and usable language with written and spoken compo...