niQin shared an aphorism: I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. -- 《圣经》
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Algorithm & Library STM32单片机程序设计【音频解码器控制程序】 开源众包

Data aggregation at 2024-05-01 16:26:33+08:00

Hits: 1131

💥 Project Description

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated

Development duration: 10 days

Project keys/tags: Not setting







1. 上电先对受控电路进行复位操作和初次化操作,受控继电器延时吸合,对应P口输出电平等功能,各种操作断电记忆。

2. 控制CT7302的信号输入切换,采样转换,读取信号的输入口和格式采样频率并在显示屏上显示,音量控制。

3. 控制AK4191的数字滤波器,并在显示屏上显示。

4. 显示屏OLED3.12,分区显示,简单明了不搞复杂的菜单。

5. 我不懂写代码只会KEIL改一下参数,请备注一下代码的意思方便我修改参数,免得日后麻烦你。


能帮忙的留言或私信告知? 手机号就是微信号请微信联系。 详细资料联系给你。

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Recruitment role: Person - Engineer

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