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网络应用 Integration Server into web dashboard freelancer 推荐

数据聚合于 2024-04-19 22:56:21+08:00

浏览数量: 96

💥 项目描述

投资预算: 800 美元 - 可议价

开发周期: 4 天

项目关键词/标签: javascript php software-architecture nodejs mysql

  1. Integrate Xproxy Server into the prebuilt web dashboard as discussed. 2) Admin N Customer dashboard 3) Load demo $ in the customer account and he buys the proxy Proxy gets assigned to the customer from the server with details like http, socks and user pass , and option to change auth from user?ass to IP auth With API button, he can change the user?ass from his dashboard.

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招募角色: 个人 - 工程师

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