niQin 分享格言: 生活赋予我们的一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待、志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望、信心的青春。 -- 保尔·柯察金
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算法类库 Need a full-stack engineer freelancer 推荐

数据聚合于 2024-04-24 20:47:01+08:00

浏览数量: 101

💥 项目描述

投资预算: 2137 美元 - 可议价

开发周期: 10 天

项目关键词/标签: javascript php python software-architecture mysql

The existing project we have needs to be extended, possibly by a full-stack engineer. The following additions are required: - Daily refreshing of data; this also entails fetching data instantly upon user request. - The script needs to be optimized for speed. Currently, it takes a while to fetch new data. This could be addressed by initially fetching all data from the instruments via an API, saving it on the server, and then, when a user requests new data, retrieving the last stored value from the server or where it is stored and updating it with new data. - Provide visibility on which asset is the strongest among the deployed algorithms. Currently, this information is visible on the chart, but we prefer the values to be displayed directly to the user for quicker and easier referenc…

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招募角色: 个人 - 工程师

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