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设计 SOC Design Optimization Urgently Needed freelancer 推荐

数据聚合于 2024-05-05 07:13:49+08:00

浏览数量: 179

💥 项目描述

投资预算: 1000 美元 - 可议价

开发周期: 5 天

项目关键词/标签: c-programming electrical-engineering assembly verilog-vhdl soc-design

1. Project title: Simple Stopwatch with UART Output 2. Project description: Create a stopwatch system using an ARM microcontroller (e.g., STM32) that displays time on a 7-segment display and sends time data through UART communication. The system will utilize GPIO for interfacing with 7-segment displays and switches, a hardware Timer for timekeeping, UART for data output, and interrupts for handling user inputs and updating the display. Components: We need to use Nexys A7 board (Artix - 7 100T CSG324). Digilent. We connect board with monitor by VGA cable. Must enough 6 peripherals, including Timer Peripheral, GIPO Peripheral, 7-Segment Peripheral, Memory, VGA Peripheral, UART Peripheral. Can add more Peripherals or not. AHBLITE_SYS.v is the top- level m…

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招募角色: 个人 - 工程师

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