niQin shared an aphorism: 不可避而不战,否则即是徒然增加敌方的胜卷。 -- 马基雅维利
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Algorithm & Library UFC Fight Statistical Analysis with R freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-17 19:28:00+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 105

Project keys/tags: r-programming-language statistical-analysis data-visualization microsoft-powerbi

My project involves statistical analysis using R programming language and PowerBi on UFC Fight data. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to find interesting correlations between various aspects of MMA, some of those aspects are; reach, height, fight stance, strike distribution, control time, etc. Then, after correlations are found, make hypotheses to improve a fighter's chance of winning. Questions: 1 - What is the best fight stance when you have a reach advantage on your opponent? 2 - Can statistics be used to classify fighters into fight styles (Boxer, Muay Thai, Ju-Jitsu, Wrestler, dynamic)? 3 - What kind of correlation can we make by comparing fight style with height and weight, can it be used to optimize training? Tools Needed: PowerBi, R, ggplot Solu...