niQin shared an aphorism: “人要学会走路,也要学会摔跤,而且只有经过摔跤,才能学会走路。” 对于一个人来说,这正是磨练。给生活添点料,经过千锤百炼的人生,更加耐人寻味。 -- 佚名
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Web Product Manager for Via Scientific web application freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-04-16 23:49:16+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 119

Project keys/tags: ui-design local-job technical-writing atlassian-jira product-management biotechnology

Via Scientific is searching for a Product Management Contractor with a background in biotechnology. This role is critical in bridging scientific research and analysis with scalable software solutions, aimed at launching innovative biotech products. We require a dynamic individual with product lifecycle experience, preferably from conception to market release. Key Responsibilities: Product Strategy Formulation: Develop and define the product vision and roadmap in sync with our strategic goals. You will work with various stakeholders. Requirements Management: In collaboration, gather and prioritize product and customer requirements to ensure our team delivers software that meets market needs. Technical Documentation: Generate clear and comprehensive documentation and user stories to ...